Latest Past Events

April 4 Banquet and Speaker April 4, 2024 Banquet Speaker for Sioux Valley Genealogical Society in Sioux Falls, SD Banquet – 5:30 PM in The Courtroom, at Old Courthouse Museum in Sioux Falls, SD Paula is speaking virtually from MN – 7:30 PM in the Law Library! Paula Stuart-Warren Certified Genealogist®, FMGS, FUGA    Presentation topic: “Railroad Records and Railroad History: Methods […]

March 7 Meeting

Speaker will begin at 7 pm and business meeting will follow. Will be in person.

February 1 Meeting

The speaker will begin at 7 pm.  In this presentation, Madeline Yanov focuses on the exploration of westward migration, starting with the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition.  She traces routes and trails from the Midwest originating in the 1820s, extending westward to the Pacific Coast and southwest to regions like Texas, New […]